Our customers

Our services are addressed to Businesses and Organizations of the Private and the Public Sector.

We work together with companies participating to the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EUTS) and we seek to fulfill their legislative obligations but also aim to improve their performance beyond that, for they believe that environmental protection and energy management need not be forced by any legislation but must be fundamental design & operational characteristics.

We work together with Companies and Organizations that are obliged to prepare carbon balance sheets and calculate their footprint based on the Greek Climate Law (L.4936/2022). We seek to cooperate with our customers in order to develop a climate policy that will lead to climate neutrality, in accordance with legislation and with the most cost-effective route.

We work together with investors trying to cope with the maze of environmental permitting procedures and to adopt innovative solutions that are recognized as best available techniques. We undertake environmental impact assessments and the regular environmental reporting of industrial facilities and infrastructure projects.